Lifegroups facilitate connection and discipleship. Everyone at RFC is invited to join one. Our desire is to help us connect, build family and grow in Jesus.
Join a lifegroup
Lifegroups meet at various times and locations throughout the week. There are different styles of groups: Classic (typically worship, reading Bible, sharing needs), Equipping (designed to help in a stage of life or equip you in a specific way) and Interest (gathering around an interest to foster friendship and discipleship).
We operate a termly sign-up system, but you can join most groups at any point of the term. To sign up to a group, click the link under the photo. The Leaders will then be in touch with you. To find out more, please contact Kathryn Amos, Lifegroup Coordinator.

Spring 2025 Lifegroups
Mondays • 8pm • RG30
Come along for a relaxed evening of a variety of different games and getting to know others from RFC. We play a variety of games and no previous experience is necessary! There will also be an opportunity to pray together during the evening.
Tuesdays • 7:30pm • RG10
Gathering to become more like Jesus; to challenge one another to live radically for the kingdom; and to encourage one another to boldly proclaim the gospel through Bible reading, worship and prayer.
Tuesdays • 7:45pm • RG4
We're going to be gathering each week to learn more about the character of God. We'll be using the book God Has A Name by John Mark Comer as a helpful framework. (The book is also available as podcast episodes for those who don't like reading.)
Tuesdays • 7:30pm • RG31
An 8 week discipleship course exploring the wonders of God's Grace. Grace is so counter intuitive. Therefore, it's essential we understand that it is so much more than God's unmerited favour and that we find the freedom we seek from striving to enter into the rest we so desperately need.
Tuesdays • 8:00pm • RG31
Gathering to become more like Jesus through Bible reading, worship and prayer.
Tuesdays Fortnightly • 7:00pm • RG40
Meeting to pray and climb at Oakwood Climbing centre – we'll gather with the local Climbing for Christ group to seek His face while we exercise. No experience necessary - open to all abilities. There will be a cost of £14-£17 each session.
Tuesdays • 8:00pm • RG30
Gathering to become more like Jesus through Bible reading, worship and prayer.
Tuesdays • 8:00pm • Online
Focussing on the deeper meanings behind the lyrics of worship songs for a richer worship experience, We will be learning the words by heart and discussing scriptural reference and profound meanings behind worship songs for spiritual growth. Meeting on Zoom.
Tuesdays Fortnightly • 7:45pm • RG6
God built a rhythm of rest into the fabric of creation. Using online materials, Practicing the Way from John Mark Comer, we will explore how to stop, rest, delight and worship. A short course on Tuesdays followed by a series of optional Saturday evening 'dinners' to end the term and deepen relationships.
Wednesdays • 7:15pm • RG6
Join us each week for a family style dinner as we get to know each other better over spaghetti and scripture. We'll chat about life and faith. Arrive from 7.15, dinner will be served at 7.35. Slippers encouraged.
Wednesdays • 7:30pm • Online
Meeting on Zoom, we'll follow the Transforming Work course which explores how to be an effective Christian in the workplace. Come gather with other working Christians to explore the biblical view of work and how to practically apply it in your own life. The Bible is full of stories about people in the workplace: Joseph, Ruth, and Daniel, to name but a few that we will be learning from together.
Wednesdays • 8:00pm • RG7
For people who lead businesses or parts of business (however large or small); we will discuss common issues and themes and support one another. Each session will have some time of prayer, sharing and study (including Theology of work and leadership in a business context), based loosely upon material including Richard Higginson's "Transforming Leadership - A Christian Approach to Management.”
Wednesdays • 8:00pm • RG1
Gathering to become more like Jesus through Bible reading, worship and prayer.
Wednesdays • 8:00pm • Online
Meeting on Zoom. Exploring the essence and life-changing power of hope in Jesus Christ. We'll be following a Bible based devotional on hope in Jesus Christ, encouraging one another through the word of God and praying together.
Wednesdays • 8:00pm • RG2
Would you like to learn more about how to read the Bible for yourself? Join us as we use the Discovery Bible Study method to look at the life of Jesus together. Suitable for new believers or anyone wanting to get going in Bible study.
Wednesdays • 7:00pm • RG6
A group for students – a space to connect with one another and grow as disciples of Jesus as we worship God and delve into His word.
Wednesdays • 7:00pm • RG6
A group for students – a space to connect with one another, share food and grow as disciples of Jesus. We will be specifically looking at the Beatitudes and how these help us in discipleship.
Wednesdays • 7:30pm • RG2
Whether you've been married for a month or fifty years – and whether you're finding marriage fantastic or tricky – come and enjoy date night (with dessert!). The Marriage Course is designed to strengthen and revitalise your connection. No awkward sharing with strangers. Just you and your partner learning and chatting about All The Things. At the Church Office. There is a discretionary cost of £20 per couple for the course.
Wednesdays • 8:00pm • RG45
Gathering to become more like Jesus through Bible reading, worship and prayer. Fellowship over Indian food and snacks..
Wednesdays Fortnightly • 7:45pm • RG2
A group building community and relationships in Whitley. Chatting about life and faith as we eat together. Meet at our house for Bring-and-share meals every fortnight.
Wednesdays • 7:45pm • RG2
In the beginning, Genesis explains that humans were made in God's image to reign over creation. What a responsibility! Sadly our planet is facing many environmental problems… Using scriptures, a book called "Saying Yes to Life" by theologian and environmentalist Ruth Valerio, plus videos and discussion questions, we'll explore this vital subject together. We recommend buying the book in advance. Meeting at the Church Office.
Wednesdays • 7:30pm • RG1
A group for students – a space to connect with one another and grow as disciples of Jesus as we worship God and delve into his word.
Wednesdays • 7:30pm • RG2
Gathering to become more like Jesus through Bible reading, worship and prayer.
Wednesdays • 8:00pm • RG6
Gathering to become more like Jesus through Bible reading, worship and prayer.
Thursdays • 7:30pm • RG2
Invitation only. This is the Serving Team at Just Talk, our English conversation group for international friends to practise their English. If you would like to be a learner please sign up here.