About us
We are a community of people from many different backgrounds and cultures committed to making a difference for Jesus in Reading, the UK and the rest of the world.
We are part of the Newfrontiers worldwide family of churches. We hope that you will find all the information you need on this website. If you have any questions please do get in touch with us.
‘To be a growing, Jesus-centred community, bringing God’s Kingdom to Reading and beyond.’
To be a growing
We believe history has a destination and our lives are part of that forward movement. Just as a mighty oak provides shelter & structure, so we want to grow and become a landmark community in our town.
Jesus-centered Community
We desire to grow in our heartfelt worship of Jesus, aligning our lives to His teachings, whilst helping others to do the same. We dream of being a people who know, accept and care for each other; where no-one has to stand, suffer or celebrate alone.
Bringing God’s Kingdom to Reading
We want to play our part in meeting the needs of our town; helping create footprints of justice, mercy & hope. We want to bring joy, peace and transformation wherever we find ourselves during the week.
And Beyond
To be those who joyfully share our time, talents and treasures to further God's kingdom beyond our horizon.
How we journey together is a vital part of our story. The following 6 words best describe our current thinking on this adventure:
Generosity is giving more of something than is expected or is necessary. Like Jesus, we want to express generosity of heart and spirit; favour and love. We want to be generous in our attitudes, our words, our time, our money and our skills. We believe generosity has everything to do with our sense of identity.
Jesus was real about who He was with His disciples, the public, the authorities and with Himself. Like Jesus, we want to be real about who we are and what’s really going on in our lives (with wisdom and discretion). We are ambassadors for Christ, and want to live accordingly.
Jesus was a man for all people: He met with the rich and influential, but was most often found with the last, the least and the lowest. We too want to learn to accept people as Jesus did, to speak God’s word and express God’s love without distinction.
Courage is not the absence of fear but a willingness to face fears and act. Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem so that lost people could be found, the lonely set in family and the wounded find healing. We too want our journey to be marked by a 1000 acts of courage: the big & bold, the small & hidden, the physical & moral.
Jesus didn’t take the shortcuts offered to him. Like Him, we want to patiently endure, despite the winds of public opinion and personal cost, to receive the promise of God for the church and the people of our town. We seek to endure with faith, joy & fruitfulness. We are building for the long haul.
Diversity is at the heart of the good news Jesus revealed. We want to build a church that reflects both the diversity and unity we see in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We want to include people from all ethnicities and nationalities, education and social economic status, both the able and disabled. We are one in Christ and we all have something to bring.
Reading Family Church is part of Newfrontiers, a worldwide family of churches together on a mission. Newfrontiers has a passionate commitment to build the church according to New Testament principles, and believes that the most effective form of evangelism is worked out from strong local churches, of which we are approaching 800 worldwide. These are churches where the Bible is honoured, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are outworked, each member participates, there is joy in caring for each other, and where there is a desire to make a difference in society and reach those in need. Our aim is to achieve this by restoring the Church, making disciples, training leaders, planting churches and reaching the nations.
Reading Family Church is part of the Catalyst family of churches, led by Simon Holley. Catalyst is part of Newfrontiers.
Our link with Catalyst and other churches within this network is a key part of our vision. Through this relationship with Catalyst, we benefit from training, conferences and events.
Other Affiliations
As a church we are part of the wider body of the church and endeavour to be in good relationship with other churches. We express this through our affiliation to Transform Reading and nationally with the Evangelical Alliance.